His friends; loyalty; integrity
Insincerity; cruelty; scheming; fame for fame’s sake – very possibly also apricots.
Delio is Antonio’s right-hand man and very likely his best friend, although he would not wish to presume such. He is astute, even wise, preferring to see things as they are, and make the best of them, than risking self-delusion. He does not seek self-promotion, rather the success, even happiness, of those he is close to – he would prefer not to involve himself in scheming, but is level-headed enough to know that this is sometimes required to deal with the schemes of others. He believes firmly in integrity and that this, above all, outlives all fame. He is not a hypocrite.
“I have ever thought nature doth nothing so great for great men as when she’s pleased to make them lords of truth: integrity of life is fame’s best friend, which nobly, beyond death, shall crown the end”.
Mike Hickman
Book your tickets for the Duchess of Malfi at the Theatre Royal Studio. And stay tuned for more character updates!